Evaluating Boolean Expressions
Boolean expressions come in many forms in Cocolang, such as
- A comparison expression with valid comparison operators like
. SeeConditionals.DoIfLarge()
- An inversion with the
operator. SeeBoolClass.Underage()
- A class that implements the
special method can be used directly or converted withBool(x)
. SeeBoolClass.Overage()
If/Else Conditionals
Conditionals in Coco begin with the if
statement which can be used for optional execution of a block if the condition is met. The conditional expression must evaluate to a boolean as specified above. Alternate paths to the condition matching can be specified with the else
and else if
Switch Conditionals
switch statements are not currently supported yet in cocolang v0.1.2
coco Conditionals
endpoint invokable DoIf(confirm Bool) -> (out String):
if confirm:
return (out: {res} <- do())
endpoint invokable DoIfLarge(number U64) -> (out String):
if number > 5000:
return (out: {res}<- do())
else if number > 2500:
return (out: "almost")
return (out: "not done")
func do() -> (res String):
yield res "done!"
coco BoolClass
class Person:
field name String
field age U64
method __bool__(self) -> (result Bool):
yield result self.age > 18
endpoint local Overage(person Person) -> (ok Bool):
yield ok Bool(person)
endpoint local Underage(person Person) -> (ok Bool):
yield ok !person